
The Best Parking Book Since Donald Shoup

Book Reviews, Donald Shoup, Henry Grabar, Los Angeles, Parking

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Book Review: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Book Reviews, Climate Change, Infrastructure

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Summer Book Roundup, 2021

Book Reviews

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CP&DR Podcast: Top Planning Books of 2020

Book Reviews, Books, Gender, Housing, Planning History , Race

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Sexism and the City

Book Reviews, Feminism, Gender, Gentrification, Safety

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The Social Importance of Public Spaces

Book Reviews, Public Space

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Book Review: Navigating the California Coastal Act

Book reviews, CA, Solano Books

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Richard Florida's Reckoning: Review of The New Urban Crisis

Book Reviews, Donald Trump, Richard Florida

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The Dark Side of Environmental Quality

Book Reviews, California, California Environmental Quality Act, End of Night, Environmental justice, Light Pollution

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Smart Growth Literature Hits a Cul-du-Sac

Big boxes, Book Reviews, Charles Montgomery, Downtown planning, Happy City, New urbanism, smart growth, Transportation

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